Phrases of politeness in a business letter

Phrases of politeness in a business letter

In English written speech, in contrast to oral speech, it is necessary to use politeness phrases, so jargon and exclamations should be abandoned. You should also reduce the modality of phrases, but do not forget about polite forms and forms of etiquette. 

Passive forms are widely used in letters. Therefore, it is not necessary to abbreviate verb forms in writing. 

You must adhere to these rules: 

  1. Be sure to use a professional address/greeting and avoid familiarity:
  • Hello, 
  • Dear. 
  • "Dear Tom, we are glad to inform you...". 
  1. Sorry to bother you

At the beginning of the letter, you should apologize for the disturbance: 

  • "Excuse me" 
  • "I'm sorry." 
  • "Excuse me, sir, I'm sorry to bother you ...". 

BUT: it should be remembered that most often we use "sorry" when we ask for forgiveness, express regret about something or pity for someone. “Excuse me” is a polite form of addressing someone and is more suitable in this situation, translated as “excuse me”, “let me”, “please forgive me”. 

  1. Remember to introduce yourself after the greeting or remind the addressee who you are if you have communicated before:
  • "I'm Svetlana from Russia. We have met at the Apple event last week." 
  1. It is also necessary to thank the interlocutor for the previous letter:
  • Thank you for your email…, 
  • Thank you for getting back to me. 
  1. If, before this letter, there was no contact with the interlocutor and you need to establish an electronic connection, you should not always use the banal “Nice to meet you”, it is better to show what you already know about the interlocutor, and why, in fact, you decided to contact him. So your letter will be more personal and important:
  • "I've heard great things about your business. I think we can work together if you don't mind." 
  1. Nice to meet you

You can use "Nice to meet you" to show that you enjoy talking to the other person. However, this formal courtesy is easy to overlook, to pass on deaf ears. So if it's really nice to meet you and you want to emphasize this: 

  • "It's great connecting with you" 
  • "Lovely to meet you" 
  • Pleased to connect with you 
  • "Delighted to make your acquaintance". 
  1. If a good working contact has been established, we can express hope for a fruitful and interesting cooperation:
  • "I'm looking forward to working with you." 
  1. After the main part, you must politely end the letter. The ending should make a favorable impression, that is, there should not be obsession and excessive emotionality, and even more so rudeness and hostility:
  • "It's always a pleasure doing business with you", 
  • "Thanks for your extremely helpful attention to this matter", 
  • "We take this opportunity of thanking you for your assistance" 
  1. With best regards

And at the very end, you need to insert a short phrase that expresses your respect or wishes for success: 

  • "Best Wishes" 
  • "Yours faithfully" 
  • "Respectfully yours" 
  • "Best regards" 
  • "Thank you and regards." 

Speaking about the spelling of words, all words in the names of companies and organizations are capitalized, with the exception of prepositions, articles and conjunctions. The same spelling rule applies to job titles. All words are also written with a capital letter in an indication of the general content of the letter, the name of documents and goods.