Website spelling and grammar check plugin

Disclamer: this document and all related code sample are published under MIT license.

Spellcheck plugin sample preview

Online demo is available:

This documentation describes the way to integrate a simple text checking mechanics to any web page.

Host page requirements

Current version of plugin can attach text checking to any page element except <textarea />. So if you use <textarea />, you should replace it with a <div> styled as text input box.

HTML example:

    /* Styling ot text editor block */
    .textgears-editor {
        display: inline-block;
        white-space: break-spaces;
        line-height: 1.3;
        width: 100%;
        max-width: 400px;
        height: 300px;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        padding: 20px;
        overflow-y: scroll;
        border: 1px solid black;

<!-- Any styled element to be used as text editor -->
<div class="textgears-editor" placeholder="Enter your text here">Here is sample text to demostrate text checking possibilities.</div>

Attaching a plugin

To attach a plugin to the sample <div> mentioned above, just add this code:

<!-- Init plugin, can be put on page body or inside a head block -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>

<!-- Can be placed on page or can be run on init script or in any other place -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    var textCheckingPlugin = new TextGearsPlugin({
        // API endpoint
        endpoint: "",
        // Place your key here
        key: "DEMO_KEY",
        // Text language
        language: "en-US",
        // Dictionary ids to be loaded on text checking. Can be empty to use default dictionary.
        // In this example you can see two dictionaries:
        // The first one is common for all of your users and can be edited with our API.
        // The second one contains words for a single user only.
        checkDictionaryIds: ["common", "user123"],
        // Dictionary to be edited on "Add to dictionary".
        // Set null to use default dictionary only or set any string value. For example, active user id.
        // You do not need to explicitly create a new dictionary for each user if you need.
        // Adding a word to a non-existing dictionary creates one automatically.
        editDictionaryId: "user123",
        // DOM elements to be handled
        editors: document.getElementsByClassName("textgears-editor"),
        // editors: [document.getElementById('textgears-editor')],
        // Timeout between the pause of input and text checking request
        timeout: 1500,
        // Set custom cascading style classes for
        theme: {
            suggestionButtonClass: "suggestion-button",
            suggestionRemoveButtonClass: "suggestion-button suggestion-remove",
            addToDictionaryButtonClass: "suggestion-button add-to-dictionary-button",
        // Start checking on init
        checkOnLoadIfNotEmpty: true,
        // Sample text changing event callback
        onTextChange: function (event) {
            document.getElementById("callback-test").innerHTML = event.text;
            // Or set input value if you have a form like this:
            // <form name="comment-form"><input type="hidden" name="comment"/></form></span>
            document.forms["comment-form"]["comment"].value = event.text;

To get a value of text editor use onTextChange event or a code like this:

let value = document.getElementsByClassName("textgears-editor")[0].innerText || "";

In further plugin versions support of <textarea/> will be provided with a native value propagation.


As you can see above, the plugin goes with its own cascade style sheet file. Feel free to copy it and change styles according to your purposes.

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